Friday, December 17, 2010


Here are some recent favorites that have popped on the blogs I follow.  It's a shame I have to constantly look for new things to look at while I jerk off.  If I had spent that much time looking for the perfect guy, I probably would have found him.
(Of course, I'd be unloading him in my mouth instead of uploading cumshots on the internets web).
- Peace out.
Do not....I repeat....Do not waste a great load like that on your stomach. 
Fuckin' call me!!!!  You won't spill a drop!

If I could crop him from the shoulders down, I would fuckin' bring him
home and keep him shooting until all that was left was blanks!

Nothing funny to say about this guy.  He's just hot as they cum.

This dude is a pro -- catching all but the first splash. 
(Sometimes, that first shot can get a little unpredictable).

Dude, I can tell you're straight and you know you're hot.
But damn...couldn't you just fuckin' spend a little time with me?

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